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Jeroen   Nick   JeroenElswijk
  Jméno   Jeroen
  Skype   jeroen020nl
  Říká o sobě    http://thisvid.com/members/52558/public_videos/
  Naposledy přihlášen   2018-10-09 18:32:34
  Komentářů   82
  Přátel   1

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Skutočný agresor ! Smajlík 2

Hodiny 4.36 (39) 16.04.18 21:15

write a shit on yourself AGRESOR Smajlík 30 Smajlík 30 Smajlík 30

müszi 3.56 (200) 14.04.18 19:40

Szarházi Smajlík 43

homo15 4.00 (35) 12.04.18 15:13

Smajlík 2

http://www.heavy-r.com/video/248089/Shitty_Hygiene _and_Hair_Care/

http://www.heavy-r.com/video/239180/Diarrhea_Shamp oo_and_Shit_Gel/

And another: http://www.heavy-r.com/video/237746/Diarrhea_Hair_ Gel/

http://www.heavy-r.com/video/236928/Public_Shit_an d_Vomit_Farming/

SaculAtakav 4.41 (17) 16.09.16 11:15

Nice one, had a lot of fun watching it. Smajlík 29

http://www.heavy-r.com/video/233695/Asian_pig_roll ing_in_shit/ My latest work of art.

Letting it crack: http://www.heavy-r.com/video/225342/Letting_it_Cra ck__Shit_Mask/

NEW VIDEO, Shit fun outside: http://www.heavy-r.com/video/224587/Public_Shit_fu n_in_Amsterdam/

For the Fans: http://www.heavy-r.com/video/223376/Shit_Mask_FanS igns_and_a_Skype_Interview/

fresher 3.00 (2) 15.04.16 00:39

u are shit Smajlík 60 Smajlík 39 Smajlík 39 Smajlík 47 Smajlík 47 Smajlík 47 Smajlík 47

thank you sir

Small 2.50 (10) 13.04.16 22:37

lol.. do visit Amsterdam though. I would love to entertain you.

homo15 4.00 (35) 11.04.16 18:33

Smajlík 40 Smajlík 40 Smajlík 40

thank you sir

Eating shit in the train: http://www.heavy-r.com/video/222138/Train_Shit/

Playing with dogshit: http://motherless.com/D5C9E98

http://www.heavy-r.com/video/221116/Fecal_Face_Mas k/ I had some farmed shit from a few urinals in Amsterdam left after last video. Had the great suggestion to use it as face mask and smeared a thick layer on my face and had it dry for about an hour.

homo15 4.00 (35) 27.03.16 14:19

Hello Jeroen how are you in amsterdam ? Smajlík 2 Smajlík 5

I am being a very dirty boy Sir

http://dirtstyle.tv/stream/1224276/Street-Shit Street Shit - I was lucky to find shit near my apartment in Amsterdam at the parkinglot three times last two weeks and a piece of fresh, stepped into, dog shit in the Red Light District in Amsterdam and mixed it all together. Probably the most soury fermented smell I ever smelled from the shit mix and smeared it into my hair before going for a walk outside to let it dry and keep the smell bearable even for me.

darsey 4.30 (61) 16.03.16 20:37

Hovnocuc Smajlík 39

yes Sir, I am Sir. Please let me suck you white cock

homo15 4.00 (35) 15.03.16 15:43

pls why ? Smajlík 40

Because i love to be disgusting, laughed at and humiliated in the hope to entertain people real life with being disgusting.

fuck you !! ugly bitch haha

Join me in Amsterdam Sir and you can.

ocel 4.25 (105) 05.03.16 12:50

Zabít ho bastarda!! Smajlík 56 Smajlík 56

Visit me in Amsterdam Sir

Saudruh 2.79 (61) 05.03.16 11:50

Smajlík 5 Smajlík 5 Smajlík 5

DRŽ PAPUĽU šAšO !!!!!!!

Saudruh 2.79 (61) 14.03.16 19:55

LoooooL mohamed Smajlík 5 Smajlík 5 Smajlík 5 Smajlík 5

g;ad you like it sir

Squater 3.18 (17) 05.03.16 01:49

to je největší agresor ze všech tady !!!! ten má aspon plnou hubu hoven né jak vy jenom že kecáte o hovnech Smajlík 43

thank you sir.

Skutočný agresor ! Smajlík 2

Much appreciated

Saudruh 2.79 (61) 05.03.16 11:47

mjk tvuj stary ty kundo! vime že si libuješ v hovnech.. na slovensku běžné Smajlík 42

Ano Mary poznáváš se to ti chválím Smajlík 2

YOu would be most welcome sir. Gouden Leeuw 146 1103 KC Amsterdam Netherlands

homo15 4.00 (35) 04.03.16 02:05

Smajlík 43 Smajlík 43

thank you Sir

The consensual part: I welcome a Mistress in my life, in my house and consent to give her the chance to break my will. The non consensual part: If I am not broken I will likely not be able to give full conrrol away. As such I hope to find a Mistress that will visit me and take it further then the initial date we agreed upon... or to find a Mistress that knocks on my door and won't leave till she has done what is needed. I consent to welcoming the Mistress into my house and life and consent to take command and control to do things and make me do things I do not consent to anymore, but have no choice to do so.

Zmrdka 2.57 (7) 05.05.16 18:48

Hallo lieverd! ik heb er een mooi strontje voor je om op te eten, ik wil graag op je te te kijken, kom even naar Hoorn langs, ik zal in je mond schijten Smajlík 4

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